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We are

What We Do

The Volentio Group comprises brands founded or acquired by tech entrepreneur Dan Lane. Under the Volentio Group umbrella, there are a range of brands spanning multiple diverse industries. The common thread among these brands is their commitment to enhancing and enriching the lives of their users.

Our brand ideas are developed within the Volentio Group, stemming from the passions of our team. With a highly skilled in-house team dedicated to software development and architecture, brand strategy and design, startup incubation and acceleration, as well as raising capital for our brand portfolio, we are positioned to transform concepts into fully-fledged products internally and occasionally collaborating with cherry-picked specialist partners when necessary.


The Origin Story

20 May 2021
Since we announced Volentio less than 24 hours ago I’ve had a load of people ask me about the origins of the name, and that’s not social media clickbait – I mean genuinely at least ten people have asked. I love stories about how companies are named so here is the story of how Volentio […]


Talk to us about how we can help you transform your idea, project, or business.